Global Korea Scholarship









The Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) is designed to Provide international students with opportunties to study at higher education institutions in Korea for undergraduate and graduate studies, which will enhance international education exchange and deepen mutual friendship detween Korea and participating countries.

2025 GKS-G Application Guide
Document Form
2025 GKS-G Available Departments and Majors


[NIIED Office in charge] Global Korea Scholarship Team, Dept. of Global Human Resources Development
Graduate Program
Undergraduate Program

Program Overview

The Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) is designed to provide international students with opportunities to study at higher education institutions in Korea for undergraduate and graduate studies, which will enhance international education exchange and deepen mutual friendship between Korea and participating countries.


Graduate Program
Scholarship period Master's Degree 1 year Language Courses + 2 year Degree Courses
Doctoral Degree 1 year Language Courses + 3 year Degree Courses
  1. Applicants and their parents must be citizens of the countries listed in the application guideline of the selecting year.
    * Korean citizens and Koreans holding dual citizenship are not permitted to apply for this program.
  2. Applicants must be under the age of 40 as of September 1st of the inviting year.
    However, an applicant who qualify all conditions below are eligible to apply:
    - Must be an academic professor who are under 45 years of age as of September 1st of the inviting year
    - Must hold a citizenship of one of the Official Development Assistant (ODA) recipients.
  3. Applicants must hold a Bachelor's / Master's degree or
    Applicants who are expected to graduate by July 31st, 2025 can also apply for the program with a certificate of expected graduation.
  4. All applicants must have maintained the overall grade point average (CGPA) equivalent to or higher than 80%
    (Exception: GKS scholars reapplying to the program must hold the grade of 90% or above)

Selsction Procedure

Graduate and Undergraduate Program
1st Round of Selection

Applicants submit their applications either to Korean Embassies in their home countries or Korean universities designated by NIIED. Each embassy and university selects the successful candidates among the applicants based on NIIED’s selection criteria.

2nd Round of Selection

The NIIED selection committee conducts the 2nd round of selection among candidates that pass the 1st round of selection.

3rd Round of Selection

(Embassy Track Applicants ONLY) The applications of the 2nd round successful candidates will be reviewed by the universities for admission. The candidates must receive admission from at least one of the universities they applied in order to be selected as GKS scholars.

Final Result Release

The announcement of finally selected GKS scholars (3rd round successful candidates of embassy track and 2nd round successful candidates of university track) will be made.

Scholarship Benefits

Graduate Program
  • Airfare : Round-trip economy class ticket
  • Monthly Allowance : 1,000,000 KRW per month Research Allowance :
    210,000 KRW for scholars in the field of humanities and social sciences;
    240,000 KRW for scholars in natural and mechanic sciences
  • Settlement Allowance : 200,000 KRW upon arrival
  • Language Training Fee : Full coverage
  • Tuition : All admission fees are waived by the host institution (university)
    The tuition is covered by NIIED and the university.
  • Dissertation Printing Costs : Reimbursement of 500,000 ~ 800,000 KRW depending on actual costs
  • Medical Insurance : 20,000 KRW per month (limited coverage)
  • Korean Proficiency Grants : 100,000 KRW per month for scholars with TOPIK Level 5 or 6


[국립국제교육원 담당부서] 글로벌인재양성부 정부초청장학


세계 우수 인재의 초청을 통해 국제적 친한 네트워크 구축 및 글로벌 인재 양성

지원기간 / 지원자격

지원기간 석사과정 한국어연수 1년 + 학위과정 2년
박사과정 한국어연수 1년 + 학위과정 3년
  1. 초청대상국 국적을 소지한 자 (대한민국 국적 및 이중국적소지자 지원 불가)
  2. 초청연도 9월 1일 기준 만 40세 미만인 자 혹은 초청대상국 중 ODA 수원국의 현직 교수인 경우 만 45세 미만인 자
  3. (석사과정) 초청연도 7월 31일 기준 학부 졸업(예정)자
    (박사과정) 초청연도 7월 31일 기준 석사 졸업(예정)자
    * 한국 내 대학 또는 대학원을 졸업하여 학위를 취득한 자는 지원 불가
    (예외: 해외입양인, 기존 정부초청장학생)
  4. 최종대학교 평균성적이 80점 이상인자 (단, 기존 정부초청장학생은 90점 이상)


1차 전형

재외공관 또는 국내수학대학에서 지원자 모집 및 후보자 선발
* 지원자는 공관 또는 국내대학 한 곳으로만 지원 가능

2차 전형

NIIED 선정위원회에서 1차 전형 통과자에 대한 심사

3차 전형

공관추천의 경우에는 대학입학 전형
* 2차 전형 합격자 추가 서류 제출 (추가 내용)

- 공관추천 3차 전형 통과자 및 대학전형 통과자를 최종합격자로 선정ㆍ발표

장학금 지원내역

  • 최초 입국 및 최종 귀국 시 보통석 항공권, 월 생활비 100만원, 연구비, 의료보험비, 정착지원비 등
    * 한국어능력우수자(TOPIK 5급 이상) 월 10만원 지급